

网址:www.byzdh.com.cn时间:2024-01-11 16:19:31(部分内容来源于网络,不代表本站观点)

Gloves are a special thing with multiple uses, and their appearance was not intended to protect hands. In ancient Greece, gloves were used as a special tableware for catching food, but in 13th century Europe, gloves gradually evolved into a decorative item for women. To this day, gloves have become essential for insulation in cold regions, as well as protective equipment for the medical and pharmaceutical, industrial manufacturing, and electronic production and construction industries. In recent years, the types and application fields of gloves have been continuously expanding, and the demand for them has also been increasing year by year. The most commonly used disposable gloves are latex gloves, nitrile gloves, PVC gloves, and PE gloves.
(2) Knowledge classification: Performance analysis of various gloves
1. Latex gloves: mainly made of natural latex with stabilizers and catalysts, using the coagulant impregnation method to process and shape the mold, and then dried into rubber film products. Latex gloves are suitable for medical examination and hygiene protection. The product is not divided into left and right hands, and is flexible and convenient for one-time use. However, the collagen contained in it can cause skin allergies and other triggering symptoms, and in severe cases, it can be life-threatening. At the same time, latex gloves have poor ESD performance and high extractable ion content.
2.丁腈手套:采用100%的合成丁腈橡胶,通过浸渍工艺加工而成。不含蛋白原,因此不会使人产生过敏。耐腐蚀性能、ESD性能、N定网站建设  保定荆塘铺 伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏  钢纤维 天津除甲醛  保定铝型材VR(不释放电压)、可提取离子含量和LPC水平都优于乳胶手套,但价格比乳胶手套要贵。
2. Nitrile gloves: Made of 100% synthetic nitrile rubber and processed through impregnation process. It does not contain proteogen, therefore it does not cause allergies in humans. Corrosion resistance, ESD performance, NVR (no voltage release), extractable ion content, and LPC level are all superior to latex gloves, but the price is higher than latex gloves.