

网址:www.byzdh.com.cn时间:2024-01-11 16:20:46(部分内容来源于网络,不代表本站观点)

手部保护手是人体器官中为精细致密的器官之一。它由27块骨骼组成,占人体骨骼总数的1/4,而且 肌肉、血管和神经的分布与组织都极其惊人的复杂,仅指尖上每平方厘米的毛细血管长度就可达数米,神经末梢达数千个。这些精细的神经网络可以使我们在几微秒内觉察到冷、热、疼痛等,甚至可以感受到振幅只有头发丝那么微小的震动。从人的出生之日起,手就没有停止过活动,到生命终止时,手平均可以活动2.5亿次。然而,我们却常常忽略了手的重要性,疏忽了对它的适当保护,以致在各类丧失劳动能力的工伤事故中,手部伤害事故占到了20%。由此可见,正确选择和使用防护用具十分必要。外伤性创伤这类手部伤害,是由于机械原因造成对骨骼、肌肉或组织、结构的伤害,从严重的断指、骨裂到轻微的皮肉之伤等。如使用带尖锐部件的工具,操纵某些带刀、尖等的大型机械或仪器,会造成手的割伤等;处理、使用锭子、钉子、起子、凿子、钢丝等会刺伤手;手被卷进机械中会扭伤、压伤甚至轧掉手指等。
Hand protection is one of the most delicate and compact organs in human organs. It consists of 27 bones, which accounts for 1/4 of the total number of bones, and the distribution and tissue of muscles, blood vessels and nerves are extremely complex. The length of each centimetre of capillary on the fingertips can reach several meters and thousands of nerve endings. These fine neural networks enable us to detect cold, heat, pain and so on in a few microseconds, and even feel that the amplitude of the vibration is only as small as the hair of the hair. From the day of birth, the hands did not stop activities, and when the end of life, the average hand can move 250 million times. However, we often ignore the importance of hand and neglect the proper protection of it, so that in all kinds of work injury accidents, hand injury accidents account for 20%. Therefore, it is very necessary to choose and use protective appliances correctly. Traumatic injuries such as hand injuries are caused by mechanical causes of injury to the bones, muscles, or tissue and structure, from severe finger, bone crack to slight skin injury. If a tool with sharp parts is used, a large machine or instrument with a knife and tip can be manipulated to cause a cut of a hand, such as a hand, a spindle, a nail, a chisel, a chisel, a wire and so on. The hand is sprained, pressed and even rolled out of the finger.